Content Optimization Services

With targeted content optimization tailored to competitors, you have the opportunity to improve your rankings and increase SEO traffic. Respective expenses for content optimization and user experience optimization of a website are usually very individual and always depend on the structure of a website and its content, contact us content optimization services if you are interested. We would be happy to take a detailed look at your website and make you a detailed offer.

What is content optimization?

Search engine optimization has become elementary in recent years to operate successfully on the Internet. SEO content optimization is a marketing tool that we have mastered. The goal of this constantly expanding technique is top rankings. Websites or entire domains with a thematic focus should appear high up in the results of relevant search engines, such as Google.

In the past, it was possible to insert certain words into the page source text of a website via the meta area. They were taken into account by search engines. This option, about a higher ranking, has long been a thing of the past. At most, the description area is currently still used similar to the meta tags. The SEO secret weapon for a better “being found” is currently understood to be, among other things, the targeted modification of the page content in the form of texts. SEO content optimization, SEO copywriting, and storytelling are among the trendy topics for success on the Internet.

Content optimization represents a large subarea of search engine optimization. As an SEO method that takes place directly on the page, it is called Onpage Optimization. To improve the ranking by optimizing the offered content, different techniques exist. Placing relevant search terms (keywords), in the right measure, is just one example. No less important is high-quality content that offers added value.

Classic content optimization with keyword density

The basic idea of simple content optimization is keyword density. With the keyword density, one trusts to increase the relevance of the page at Google with few keywords associated with the search term. Relevance is an important keyword to consider: How do search engines work?

Relevance is generated from many different individual factors. Ultimately, it denotes how important a page is for a particular search query. Ergo how high the website ranks. Getting behind the secret of calculating relevance is an important aspect of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The algorithms that Google uses to filter their search results are often extremely complex and also top secret. Keyword density is an attempt to place certain relevant words (keywords) with the overall text in the page content. The goal is to increase the relevance of a given page. The opinions of the optimal density of keywords differ widely among experts.

Some speak of an optimal keyword density of between three and five percent. Others go far beyond this or are even below it. A keyword density of two to three percent has proven itself almost universally in SEO text creation. It is confirmed that the good readability of SEO texts is indispensable. To increase the relevance of a page, it is important to use the right keywords. For example, a page that offers bouquets for different occasions as gifts could integrate the keywords “birthday” and “wedding” in its texts to generate relevance. Not to forget keyword combinations like “bouquet for a wedding” or “wedding planner London”. The clever arrangement of headlines and sub-headlines is part of targeted content optimization. A Content Management System (CMS) and an appropriate summary in the “Description” tag of the page source text can be helpful for time-saving editing of homepages.

Advanced content optimization with TF*IDF for SEO text

There are different methods for search engine optimization of content. All of them are based on different assumptions for calculating the relevance of the texts. With the TF*IDF method, the classic approach with keyword density in SEO is almost completely discarded. The basic idea of TF*IDF is not to consider the mere number of keywords on the entire content, but also to include the percentage occurrence of all other words in the text in the calculation. This calculation denotes one part of the TF*IDF formula. Besides, a second complex calculation plays a crucial role: the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF).

The IDF takes into account all the search results that come up for a particular term, e.g. from Google. In this way, a characteristic value can be determined as to how difficult it is concerning specific texts to create corresponding relevance. Through various tools, the TF*IDF method can be applied to almost all types of content. The practical implementation of the two parameters is often difficult. This is because all crucial parameters change with every decision for or against the frequency of a certain keyword.

Most TF*IDF analysis tools prove to be particularly useful, as the extensive research on really relevant keywords is done almost automatically. This way, an SEO optimizer can get a precise idea of which words can really create relevance in a document and to what extent. He receives important information for SEO text creation. For clients, this option is also very interesting. With the evaluation, an exact briefing can be created for the SEO copywriter. The exact number of relevant keywords forms the basis for the correct writing and optimization of the SEO texts.

Content optimization and spam

A strict discourse is held in the SEO scene about when a technique is still considered optimization for search engines. When the border is crossed and the SEO texts are branded as spam by Google. Many techniques of website optimization aim at manipulating the search result listing in a targeted way. This also includes some methods that deliberately create offers without content on the net to generate artificial relevance. One option, for example, is to build websites and domains whose sole purpose is to link to other offers. The texts of these websites are very often strictly optimized to land as high as possible in a corresponding search query. The goal of this marketing with dummy websites is to redirect the searcher to a very specific website. This process is called link building.

Through the door pages, the searcher who is researching for “bouquet birthday” will arrive at an SEO website. After a few paragraphs of optimized content, a redirect to an external offer is recommended. Link building is an effective way to achieve relevance in Google. In the vast majority of cases, these methods are intended to encourage users to buy or register. Bookmarking a page can also be a declared goal of such an approach. However, the fact that the focus is on search results whose content is merely part of a content strategy is not in Google’s interest. That’s why search engines have very sophisticated tactics to strictly separate high-quality content from spam and to enable corresponding upgrades and downgrades in the ranking.

Using Google Algorithm for SEO Content Optimization

The Google algorithm works similarly to a crawler that, for example, searches a website for an email address. Again, Google’s exact formula for calculating quality is made a big secret. However, it is known that poorly readable and difficult to understand SEO content is quickly considered spam and receives a downgrade. Accordingly, it is not enough to practice a more or less naive stringing together of keywords in content optimization. Page content should be appealing to the reader, easy to read, and easy to understand.

Copied texts harm quality. This is why experts insist on unique content in search engine optimization. On SEO content that has been uniquely crafted by a copywriter for the appropriate purpose (unique content). The goal of effective content optimization should always be to write the editorial content actually for a reader and not merely for the search engine Google. SEO optimization has a positive effect on the overall look and feel of the website. Text that appeals to the reader and is of high quality is also perceived as pleasant. It evokes positive associations for the websites and corresponding brands. There is no universal philosophy for content optimization for search engines and users. Thus, any method in search engine marketing that leads to a better ranking is basically promising and therefore legitimate.

Content optimization and the web design

Not only the content of a website should be appealing for successful search engine optimization. The design also plays a major role. Anyone who spends a lot of time on the Internet knows the feeling when a site simply looks like online marketing at every turn. SEO websites often have a rather loveless web design. They blend into a gray mass of outwardly barely distinguishable websites that deliver virtually no added value to the eye of the beholder. To develop an appealing layout, one should deal intensively with the different techniques of web design. The best solution should be carefully selected from various designs. Even small effects can have a big impact. For example, changing a font or a fundamentally different color theme. In such a fast-moving medium like the Internet, the first impression is the most important.

SEO optimized web design demands: The user should be literally captured by the page. If the first impression of the website is convincing, the user will stay on the site. If he takes his time and takes a look at the content, the SEO marketing has worked. Of course, the web design on the Internet should always fit the corresponding theme. For example, a website that offers bouquets can use bright colors and large, striking images. A website for term life insurance, on the other hand, should convince with serious content instead of lurid slogans. Accordingly, it should also trump with a businesslike web design. A chic layout, the efficient design of texts with a CMS, and the constant CMS maintenance are efficient.

The right placement of the content can play a decisive role in the SEO optimization of search engines. Crisp texts should always be accompanied by a headline. It encourages the user to read the entire text as well. Also, there are many different views on where a text is well or rather poorly placed on a website. On the start page, the user should not be flooded with information and graphics. Otherwise, he could quickly lose interest and jump off. Better would be, for example, a clear arrangement of the most important information. If necessary, further clicks offer detailed descriptions.

Content optimization – the link between search engines and users

Five elementary tools of SEO content optimization are SEO copywriting, website structuring, storytelling, linking, and customer communication. Only at first glance, content optimization is oriented towards the requirements of search engines, such as Google. In fact, it is about making the user happy. The following consequence is an increased ranking in the search engines. Did you know that already at the end of 2015 around 3.4 billion people used the Internet? The search engine wants to win over every single person. It does everything in its power to present the perfect results to the searcher as quickly as possible.

Google filters a search result from not quite a billion websites in seconds. The fact that Google masters the selection excellently and continuously adapts it to the user needs is the secret of success of the meanwhile gigantic search engine. An SEO expert links the Google world with the natural requirements and wishes of the target customers. This is how future-oriented SEO content optimization succeeds. Storytelling plays a major role in this. Why?

Because the user believes in honest and informative content. In content marketing, storytelling is used to make the non-cool virtual world likable with emotions. This is about long-term customer loyalty and satisfied users, or followers, who have a positive attitude towards the brand. However, the best content optimization comes to nothing if the products and services offered are not interesting. That is why the product description is an elementary SEO element for online stores. Professional SEO copywriting places the highest value on explaining each product in detail. The benefits, the advantages are packaged in sales-promoting SEO texts that skillfully address the target audience. In the product descriptions, the aim is to satisfy the user’s need with facts and gripping stories and to convince him.

Many paths lead to the goal of SEO content optimization

There are as many approaches and tools for search engine optimization as there are opinions. For a novice in the field, it can be difficult to find the right technique and method for your own web presence. Achieving a higher ranking with some of the SEO marketing strategies mentioned here – from smart content with the right keyword research to link building – is not particularly difficult. Achieving top rankings and beating out all the online competition, on the other hand, is. It should also be noted that SEO content optimization is only a small component of the success of the website.

Other strategies for online marketing such as word-of-mouth (viral marketing) or similar, can also achieve huge effects. Even just placing your own site in relevant web catalogs can have an amazing effect. For optimal ranking success, you should therefore strive beyond the boundaries of classic SEO. Bring your own product or service into the conversation and optimize the entire marketing strategy. Last but not least, in addition to a contemporary website, high-quality and optimized texts, ultimately convince good products and good prices. Successful SEO optimization is never a single solution but embedded in the marketing strategy of the company.