Keyword Research Services

A keyword analysis is about finding and defining suitable search terms. Proper keyword research helps to optimize your website for keyword combinations. In other words, you rely on potential customers entering the keywords you have defined in the search, using them to find your site, and become active.

Well done keyword analysis service is the foundation for any targeted online marketing strategy. It goes far beyond the mere selection of search terms that appear to be suitable at first glance. Because you don’t just need keywords that are relevant to your site, you also need to take into account the search volume, the competitive situation for these terms, and the situation on the SERP (search engine results page) to keep the optimization effort and thus your advertising costs in the green zone. At the same time, the selected terms should promise the highest possible conversion rate and not simply bring “only” visitors to your website, who then do not perform any action or bounce back.

We answer your questions about modern search engine optimization and support you with experience, creativity, and modern tools for keyword research and analysis. Once you have found the best keywords for your project, you can really get started and take your search engine optimization to the next level. Take the first step and let us advise you on this exciting and important topic. Reach us on the phone, by e-mail, or via the contact form.

Keyword research SEO company

The simplest strategy to steadily gain visibility on Google? Quite clearly: You have to systematically cover keywords by publishing content tailored to the search intent. Each of these content pieces must in turn be specifically optimized for one or more keywords.

This strategy leads step by step to more traffic because you cover all the topics that really interest your target group. You want to accompany the entire customer journey of your customers in the long term so that you are perceived as the topic authority in your niche. The prerequisite to be successful with this approach is professional keyword research.

In the following, we will dive deep into the subject and you will learn how to select the right keywords, generate a logical page structure and cover the keywords with suitable content in the best possible way.

Remember: Google is not concerned with keywords, but with the search intent behind them. Once you understand this principle, you’ll be light years ahead of most other webmasters and businesses.

What are the benefits of keyword analysis?

Targeted traffic

Search engine optimization costs money and must therefore be profitable. For this reason, most site operators want not only many clicks and visitors, but conversions – i.e. visitors who actually become customers or buyers. The more conversions you book per click, the more efficient your advertising measures are – and the lower your actual CPO (cost per order), i.e. the costs you have to spend for a conversion. Therefore, makes sense to select keywords that already promise a high purchase intention and thus generate targeted page impressions – so-called targeted traffic – instead of generally increasing the number of visitors.

Combination with search engine advertising

After keyword analysis and definition of a high-quality keyword set, you can use your keyword mapping or keyword combinations in OnPage and OffPage optimization and also for search engine advertising. OnPage you integrate the keywords in your existing and new content (e.g. in your page texts) as well as in your technical optimization. OffPage you use your keywords in link building to get so-called backlinks from thematically suitable websites, which are considered external ranking factors. When designing paid campaigns, keyword analysis is also an important prerequisite. The placement of paid advertisements – for example, with Google Ads, Bing Ads, or another search engine advertising program – is the second important pillar of online marketing alongside search engine optimization.

The quality factor of your keywords is decisive for the success of your advertising. The more positively Google evaluates the keywords booked in ads, the lower your CPC and the more you get for the invested costs.

Focus keywords

When integrating keywords into your page content, ad copy, anchor text, or landing pages, quality is more important than quantity. Inappropriate or incorrectly used keywords, on the other hand, are annoying and expensive. With keyword stuffing, i.e. the mere accumulation of keywords in texts, you not only scare away human readers, but also the Googlebot and other search engine crawlers. Based on the results of the keyword analysis, unsuitable terms can be sorted out and replaced by suitable ones. If you already use strong keywords, these will be expanded and taken into account in all subsequent SEO and PPC measures.

Comprehensive keyword analysis

With well-thought-out SEO measures, you can sustainably improve the ranking and reputation of your site – and soon you can look forward to more and better conversions, higher sales, and profits. Start with comprehensive keyword analysis to get the most out of your advertising budget. Contact us now to get more info or to make an appointment for an SEO consultancy or paid ads training.

What factors are taken into account in the keyword analysis?

The relevance of the keywords is an essential factor: Which terms fit your website, your offer, your services? And what exactly do users searching for them enter in the search line on Google and the like? This is where it gets trickier: Do people tend to search for the singular or the plural? Does it make sense to link the search term to a place name, e.g. “SEO agency London”)? How are competitors found and how strong is the competition?

Keyword competition analysis

Search volume and competition situation are important factors in the keyword analysis. Competitor analysis is useful to avoid too high optimization costs. If there are several keywords of equal value with a similar search volume to choose from, it makes sense to optimize for the keyword with the least competition to limit costs. Depending on your business model and offer, it can also be worthwhile to occupy a niche to achieve a good ranking and targeted traffic with simple means.

Context-sensitive keywords

To be permanently on the first page with a highly frequented search term is expensive and time-consuming. Also, a visitor who orders something or registers with you is much more valuable to you than a high number of users who do not interact with your website. In the keyword analysis, we also ask the question about the importance of different types of search queries for your business. How do you want to be found: in the informational search, when users want to inform themselves and expand their knowledge, or in the transactional search, when there is already a concrete purchase or download intention?

Short tail vs. long-tail keywords

Single search terms (short tail keywords) often have a higher search volume and correspondingly stronger competition than keyword combinations (longtail keywords). While the search volume for a keyword combination can be significantly lower, optimizing for combinations also gives you a better chance of attracting users to your site who are already closer to conversion and are searching more specifically.

Professional analysis

As you can see, keyword analysis is much more complex than it seems at first glance. It is worthwhile to start here with professional support. We bring what you need for successful keyword analysis: expertise, experience, intelligent professional tools, and a lot of joy in developing and accompanying successful strategies.

We are happy to assist your company with all optimization measures and advise you on all aspects of SEO and content marketing. Just get in touch and tell us about your project.

Keyword Research FAQ

What are keywords?

Keywords are words and phrases that users type into search engines like Google to find suitable content or solutions to their problems. Google then delivers content that is as relevant as possible to the search query. Keywords themselves have become less important because Google has become much better in recent years at understanding the intention behind a search query. You could even say that since Hummingbird and RankBrain, Google does not think in terms of keywords, but rather in terms of entities or topics. Therefore, a keyword list should be segmented into search intentions before it is used to formulate the content marketing strategy.

What is keyword research?

In keyword research, keyword ideas are generated in the first step based on the type of company and the services and products offered by the company. With the help of keyword tools, such as the Google Keyword Planner, further relevant keywords are uncovered. Subsequently, the resulting keyword list is sorted out according to various criteria, such as the company’s goals. The last step is to analyze which keywords have the same or a very similar search intention. This grouping turns a meaningless keyword list into a usable list of search intentions, each of which can be covered by a single page.

How to find keyword search volume?

The Google Keyword Planner and many other keyword tools, such as Ahrefs, SEMRush, KWFinder provide information about the search volume of a keyword. It is important to remember that these figures are rough estimates and that demand, in reality, is of course constantly changing. By placing Google Ads or checking the impressions in the Google Search Console, the actual search volume of a keyword can be determined.

What is a keyword search intent?

The search intent can best be read from the Google search results themselves. If, for example, only category pages from different online stores are displayed in the first three positions for a particular search term, this is a strong indication that the intent is commercial. This means that the user wants to buy something and be presented with a more or less large selection of products.